
Adhere to the good professional spirit and professional ethics is the cornerstone of our success
公司简介 荣誉资质
LIMININDUSTRIES | Adhere to the good professional spirit and professional
ethics is the cornerstone of our success
广西超超新材股份有限公司于2015年1月24日注册成立,是一家集新型绿色环保建筑材料的研发、生产、销售于一体的大型国有混合所有制企业,由地方上市公司广西桂东电力股份有限公司(股票代码"600310")、亚洲第一大糖业集团广西洋浦南华糖业集团股份有限公司、国有大型建筑安装企业广西建工集团有限责任公司及广西闽商石业发展有限公司为主要股东共同出资。公司主要生产全国装配式建筑配套的内外围护墙体材料——石材发泡轻质隔墙板,包括内隔墙板、外承重墙、保温装饰饰一体板、屋面隔热板等,拥有多项国家发明专利技术,拥有自主知识产权,产品满足绿色环保、安全,轻质、高强度、保温、隔热、隔音、防火、防潮、抗震、耐久不开裂等十六项建筑所需要的主要功能。产品主要应用于大型民用建筑、多层、高层住宅及相关行业领域,产品采用全自动化设备进行生产,过程无污染、低能耗、循环使用。超超新型墙材具备的各项优越性能,在不久的将来势必取代现有的空心砖、黏土砖、加气混凝土砌块等现有墙材砌体,是传统墙体材料的一场颠覆性的革命。<br /><br />


Guangxi new materials Limited by Share Ltd was incorporated in January 24, 2015, is a large state-owned enterprises of mixed ownership in R & D, a new type of green building materials production and sales, by the local listed companies in Guangxi guidongdianli Limited by Share Ltd (stock code 600310), jointly funded the major shareholder of limited development of Asia's largest sugar group Guangxi Yangpu Nanhua sugar industry group Limited by Share Ltd, large state-owned construction enterprises in Guangxi construction Refco Group Ltd and Guangxi City stone industry. The company mainly produces inside and outside wall, stone foaming lightweight partition board material the prefabricated construction facilities, including interior wall board, outer walls, insulation and decoration decoration integrated plate, roof insulation board, has a number of national invention patents, with independent intellectual property rights, the products meet the green environmental protection and safety, the main functions of light weight, high strength, thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire prevention, moistureproof, seismic, durable without cracking need sixteen buildings. Products are mainly used in large civil buildings, multi-storey, high-rise residential and related industries, products using fully automated equipment for production, the process is pollution-free, low energy consumption, recycling. The superior performance of ultra ultra new wall materials have, in the near future will replace the existing hollow brick, clay brick and aerated concrete block existing wall material, is a revolution of traditional wall materials.

The company is headquartered in Hezhou City, Guangxi - the world's longevity, its "ultra new assembly building materials production project" an area of 272.5 acres, a total investment of 530 million yuan, planning 8 production lines, with an annual output of 1 million cubic meters of new wall materials, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Hezhou municipal Party committee to create "one of the key projects of the two billion dollar industry", and included a major construction project in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The major shareholder of the company Guangxi Fujian Stone Industry Development Co. Ltd. (with 2.132 square kilometers of mining rights and 58.22 square kilometers of the prospecting) potassium granite, non metallic mineral rights in Na feldspar, quartz sand mineral resources reserves of about hundreds of millions of cubic meters of proven conservative, can bring Everfount raw material guarantee for the ultra new wall products. Is the biggest advantages of raw materials, technical formula products can adapt to the different regions of the non metal, metal tailings, tailings, materials, help the local government to solve the problem of pollution of tailings.

地址:宜昌市伍家岗区共升路8号    电话:0717-6261533

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